25 million visitors to our projects every year
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We create unique, memorable and enjoyable experiences

Marina / Waterfront
1200 berths in 8 marina projects in UK, Europe and Asia
We create environments for thriving marine and leisure activities

Over 500 hotel and holiday accommodation projects, 100 hotels, 15 spa facilities
We help you to make your guests welcome

Residential / Mixed Use
We work imaginatively at all scales of residential and regeneration projects finding potential where others see constraints

An integrated urban design, public realm and landscaping service
We research, test and add value through masterplanning

Kay Elliott have expertise in conservation architecture and heritage management.
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We work in healthcare, residential care and design architecture and interiors which support well-being including sports and spa facilities

New teaching spaces for nursery and foundation years

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Enhancing the visitor experience at Titanic Belfast


Award Winning new ‘Riviera style’

Culture-led regeneration

Apartments with exceptional views across Torbay

Housing development and regeneration of a gas works

Sustainable masterplan proposal, Netherlands


Award winning 5* Hotel and London Heliport

Coastal Zoo

Major refurbishment for the Royal British Legion, Portrush

Historic County Hall London Eye Booking Hall and 4D cinema

Masterplan Scheduled Castle and Historic Town Centre

Masterplan for a problematic Council-owned site

Refurbishment of the world famous hotel, Cotswolds

Housing Development in Goodrington, Devon


SEALIFE™ Centre and Marine Sanctuary, Portugal

Major refurbishment project

Three major exhibits

Award winning waterfront regeneration

Mixed use development, Anstey’s Cove

New look for hotel and new residential development

Listed hotel refurbishment on the Sandringham Estate

Low carbon masterplan, south Cornish coast

Waterfront Regeneration

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Exhibit at Paignton Environmental Park